
2001-06-18 21:08 | 最初幻想

升级了eyes on me 中文汉化补丁3.0版(白话版)

并且新增了侦测恶意的java applet和activex程序的功能,介面也焕然一新。
请记得汉化版eyes on me是要经常更新的!
如在使用中发现任何问题请与我联系 hfudsahfq@djfkasj.com

问那窝谁买送whenever sang my songs问那窝窝头谁买的?送的?
翁乐死的翁卖瓮on the stage,on my own卖窝窝头的老翁乐死了,又开始卖瓮
问那窝谁买我吃whenever said my words问那窝窝头谁买我吃的?
胃幸类,无比贺whishing they would be heard胃有幸吃到此类东西,真是无比贺呀
爱瘦于是买灵液蜜i saw you smiling at me但是为了减肥就买灵液蜜(估计种减肥药)
我似一蕊儿 噢!绝食,买饭特稀!was it real or just my fantasy为了像蕊儿一样,就……
油得呕胃试比累,而因热口呢!you’d always be there in the corner吃的东西都……
呕腹痢,是太腻,力特扒!of this tiny little bar结果呕腹,是因为吃太腻,又吃太猛

买类似奶涕佛油last night here for you如果买到假冒的类似奶涕佛油
谁莫送死,绝食完死默!same old songs,just once more千万莫送死,别吃,要绝食
买类似奶涕胃油my last night here with you 要就要买正宗的类似奶涕胃油
妹比野 妹比肉maybe yes,maybe no现在的妹妹真是一个比一个野,一个比一个肉
爱凯的偶妇来去约会i kind of liked it you’re your way爱凯=爱凯子 偶妇=有夫之妇
好友帅立飞似的来送蜜 how you shyly placed your eyes on me蜜:通假字=kiss之类
噢!滴酒二锅肉oh,did you ever know 约会当然要喝几滴酒,吃二锅肉
累得哎嘿买瓮油that i had mine on you约会后就……(作者删掉275个字)所以累,要买油

大领袖累呦啊!darling,so there you are
为累肚空油肥死with that look on your face
唉!洗衣服累我汗~~~~~~as if you’re never hurt
唉!洗衣服累我倒~~~~~~as if you’re never down以上四行都比较好理解就不译了
小白丽儿万福呦shall i be the one for you(不知那位大虾说过:pmp是永恒的主题)
腹平曲袖瘦腹丽罢休 who pinches you softly but sure减肥就要腹平曲袖瘦腹丽才罢休
衣服拂肉意识瘦人 if frown is shown then而且要达到衣服拂肉意识瘦人的境界
爱为肉累,油啊!肉赘么?i will know that you are no dreamer (比较好理解)

受累米糠涂油 so let me come to you 连米糠涂油都想出来了,真是受累啊!
客陋室,爱玩蜡笔 close as i wanted to be客居陋室,所以爱玩蜡笔
客陋室,因那壶蜜 close enough for me客居陋室,因为那壶蜜
土肥油蛤笔挺法to feel your heart beating fast(估计是种减肥法)
问谁累爱何时未识破 and stay there as i whisper
好爱辣油皮是否爱送蜜 how i loved your peaceful eyes on me
滴酒二锅肉 did you ever know
累得哎嘿买瓮油 that i had mine on you

大淋瘦穴位蜜dailing,so share with me用大淋法瘦身,并在穴位上涂蜜
油了衣服又黑印辣糊your love if you have enough结果油了衣服又……
有体试衣服油厚顶背your tears if you’e holding back所以去试衣服,但油厚顶背(太胖)
噢配衣服累死我一起死 or pain if that’s what it is
好啃爱肋油肉 how can i let you know喜欢啃肋油肉
爱恩默认了绝食恩了我意思 i’m more than the dress and the voice
绝食瑞娶蜜熬人 just reach me out then
又为肉累,油啊!肉赘么? you will know that you’re not dreaming

大领袖累呦啊!darling,so there you are
为累肚空油肥死with that look on your face
唉!洗衣服累我汗~~~~~~as if you’re never hurt
唉!洗衣服累我倒~~~~~~as if you’re never down以上四行都比较好理解就不译了
小白丽儿万福呦shall i be the one for you(不知那位大虾说过:pmp是永恒的主题)
腹平曲袖瘦腹丽罢休 who pinches you softly but sure减肥就要腹平曲袖瘦腹丽才罢休
衣服拂肉意识瘦人 if frown is shown then而且要达到衣服拂肉意识瘦人的境界
爱为肉累,油啊!肉赘么?i will know that you are no dreamer (比较好理解)